Cell Chip Moves To 65nm Process in 2007


Depending on just how geeky you are you can either file this under “highly riveting stuff” or else shove it in the “mildly interesting” pile. Japan‘s Impress Watch is reporting the PlayStation 3’s Cell processing chip will move to a 65 nanometer manufacturing process some time in 2007. Sony expects shipments of the chip to be made available later the same year. The Cell chip is currently being manufactured at IMB’s Fishkill and Sony’s Nagasaki plants on 90nm process, and shifting to the new one will help lower overheads and reduce the amount of heat the chip generates. While many have been quick to assume this will mean a price cut for the PS3, such a move isn’t likely as Sony will be looking to recoup or at least reduce initial hardware manufacturing costs.

Via Impress Watch


Depending on just how geeky you are you can either file this under “highly riveting stuff” or else shove it in the “mildly interesting” pile. Japan‘s Impress Watch is reporting the PlayStation 3’s Cell processing chip will move to a 65 nanometer manufacturing process some time in 2007. Sony expects shipments of the chip to be made available later the same year. The Cell chip is currently being manufactured at IMB’s Fishkill and Sony’s Nagasaki plants on 90nm process, and shifting to the new one will help lower overheads and reduce the amount of heat the chip generates. While many have been quick to assume this will mean a price cut for the PS3, such a move isn’t likely as Sony will be looking to recoup or at least reduce initial hardware manufacturing costs.

Via Impress Watch

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