They did NOT just do that: PS3 Slim launched into a Bravia

PS3 launched into a Bravia - Image 1 I don’t know what hurts more – the fact that they just obliterated two pieces of perfectly fine hardware, or that they did so just to show they have lots more where those came from. Either way, watching this one had a bit of sting into it. The guys at Sony Australia, who apparently have thousands of Bravias lying around, loaded a catapult with a PS3 Slim and launched it straight into the beautiful black screen. Ouch.

I don’t know what hurts more – the fact that they just obliterated two pieces of perfectly fine hardware, or that they did so just to show they have lots more where those came from. Either way, watching this one had a bit of sting into it. The guys at Sony Australia, who apparently have thousands of Bravias lying around, loaded a catapult with a PS3 Slim and launched it straight into the beautiful black screen. Ouch.

Don’t you just go, “What a waste, they should’ve just given that to me!” when you see vids like this? Well, fortunately for everyone, that’s exactly what Sony Australia is gonna do. The vid is actually a teaser for their upcoming offering, where 25,000 PS3 Slims will be given away upon purchase of “qualified Bravia LCD” TVs from October 22nd until the 20th of December.

Bonus PS3 - Image 1

Okay, since they totally screwed one over, the countdown’s down to 24,999. As of writing, there are 24,996 more units left to claim. Check the source out for more info.

This is what happened with that last year:

Via Sony Australia

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