Cellphone tells you when liver can’t take more booze

Traitor. I could have had one more swig of vodka tonight.

Trust the Far East to push cellular accessories tech to new places, new frontiers, and… booze halls everywhere. The cell-centric Textually.org, citing a Telecoms Korea report (sorry, subscription required), notes a new Korean cellular accessory developed by the Bionano Research Team of the Korean Research Institute that takes readings of liver, hook up to a cellphone, and transmit the results to a hospital.

What this bio sensor does is take measurements of GOT (Glutamine Oxaloacetic Transaminase) and GPT (Glutamine Pyruvic Transaminase) in a blood sample. Okay, it’s been too long since Biology 101, and Wikipedia’s no help in this department, but we can guess that doctors can make sense of the readings and tell you what’s up with your liver.

Which means that the next call you receive from that cellphone will be from your irate health care practitioner, who’s screaming into your ear why the heck you’ve been consuming an entire keg of Bud that night. What, you think livers grow on trees now?

Traitor. I could have had one more swig of vodka tonight.

Trust the Far East to push cellular accessories tech to new places, new frontiers, and… booze halls everywhere. The cell-centric Textually.org, citing a Telecoms Korea report (sorry, subscription required), notes a new Korean cellular accessory developed by the Bionano Research Team of the Korean Research Institute that takes readings of liver, hook up to a cellphone, and transmit the results to a hospital.

What this bio sensor does is take measurements of GOT (Glutamine Oxaloacetic Transaminase) and GPT (Glutamine Pyruvic Transaminase) in a blood sample. Okay, it’s been too long since Biology 101, and Wikipedia’s no help in this department, but we can guess that doctors can make sense of the readings and tell you what’s up with your liver.

Which means that the next call you receive from that cellphone will be from your irate health care practitioner, who’s screaming into your ear why the heck you’ve been consuming an entire keg of Bud that night. What, you think livers grow on trees now?

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