Ceres v1.3 for PSP
Pro-Han Lin has released the latest version of the asteroid-blasting game Ceres for the PSP. Version 1.3 (created for the NeoFlash Summer Coding Contest) will run on firmwares 1.0 and 1.5 and features IR 2-player capability. The game author also challenges players to see if they can get past Mission 21 to see an additional challenge – wormholes – thrown in.
Like its predecessors, Ceres is donationware; donations will unlock expanded features in the game. The game itself provides instructions for donations at the credits, or you can register through the game’s homepage at eDepot to make donations (as of this posting, the eDepot game site for Ceres has not been updated for v1.3).
Changelog from the Readme.txt (the last version featured in QJ was v1.1):
- 1.3: Aug 20, 2006: Zoom in and out of stars
- Explosion debris
- Ion thrust fragments
- Made for homebrew competition
- Removed hyperspace
- Wormholes in Mission 21+
- Moveable radar HUD
- 1.2: Storyline Release
Here’s a video of the game in action:
Download: [Ceres v1.3 for PSP]
Po-Han Lin has released the latest version of the asteroid-blasting game Ceres for the PSP. Version 1.3 (created for the NeoFlash Summer Coding Contest) will run on firmwares 1.0 and 1.5 and features IR 2-player capability. The game author also challenges players to see if they can get past Mission 21 to see an additional challenge – wormholes – thrown in.
Like its predecessors, Ceres is donationware; donations will unlock expanded features in the game. The game itself provides instructions for donations at the credits, or you can register through the game’s homepage at eDepot to make donations (as of this posting, the eDepot game site for Ceres has not been updated for v1.3).
Changelog from the Readme.txt (the last version featured in QJ was v1.1):
- 1.3: Aug 20, 2006: Zoom in and out of stars
- Explosion debris
- Ion thrust fragments
- Made for homebrew competition
- Removed hyperspace
- Wormholes in Mission 21+
- Moveable radar HUD
- 1.2: Storyline Release
Here’s a video of the game in action:
Controls (from the game’s start screen):
- left/right: turn ship clockwise/counterclockwise
- x: fire weapon
- o: thrusters
- L trigger: float up
- R trigger: dive down
- Analog stick: move radar position
- Square: credits
- Triangle: bring up status screen
- up/down: change game speed
- Select: screendump
- Start: start game
Multiplayer Instructions (from Readme.txt):
- If you wish to duel with other people, load the games on two PSP and point the infra-red ports at each other (about 1 feet or greater apart). You should be able to see your opponent on the radar screen. If not, you can slow down your cpu (press DOWN button) until you see them. Experiment until you find the right distance and cpu speed.
Download: [Ceres v1.3 for PSP]
Via NeoFlash