CES 2009: Video interview with Hermen Hulst of Killzone 2

Jeff Rubenstein with Hermen Hulst - Image 1Can’t get enough of Killzone 2? You’ll love this one. It’s a video interview with Hermen Hulst, managing director and co-founder of Guerrilla Games. The content? Game physics, the Killzone 2 team, and that cool new vid. Check it out.

Can’t get enough of Killzone 2? You’ll love this one. It’s a video interview with Hermen Hulst, managing director and co-founder of Guerrilla Games. The content? The hit response system, the Killzone 2 experience, and the people behind the game: the Killzone 2 team.

From what the clips showed us, Guerrilla Games did seem to do a stand-up job with the game physics, particularly with the hit response system. It really demonstrates a great variety of movements as you shoot your enemies down.

Hulst was also proud to talk about how folks at Guerrilla Games have a diverse background. Not all of them have game designing backgrounds – some had architecture, industrial engineering, and even as far as aeronautics, all in over 20 nationalities. I guess that cultural diversity adds a lot to game designing.

“February 27th, exclusive to the PlayStation 3, it’s gonna be the big day for us here in the US,” said Hulst. Big day indeed.

Read up on more Killzone 2 here:

Via PlayStation Blog

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