Cloning Clyde on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays

Cloning Clyde

Every time any of friends call me and I am up to my neck on things to do, these are the times I am wishing for another me, multiple versions of me in fact. And now that it’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays, the same feeling washes over me. How about one that goes to work and another one wreaking havoc on the Xbox 360 at home?

And since we are on the cloning theme, why not try this game from Wahoo Studios and NinjaBee called Cloning Clyde. As Clyde, you try and escape from the clutches of evil company Dupliclone, Inc. You can play not only as one character but switch between hundreds of clones. Or you can turn into a frog, chicken or sheep, take your pick.

There are 2 distinct game modes – 2 simultaneous players cooperating and 4 players battling it out – including 40 cooperative levels and 6 versus arenas. Play online through Xbox Live with up to eight friends.

This 3D side-scrolling adventure, slated for release in Summer 2006 is guaranteed to bring endless fun to the whole family. You can now download a free demo from Xbox Live Arcade, but if you want the full version it’s worth 800 points. The demo is available in all Xbox Live regions. Other featured games are Frogger, Galaga, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting and Pac-Man.

Via xbox

Cloning Clyde

Every time any of friends call me and I am up to my neck on things to do, these are the times I am wishing for another me, multiple versions of me in fact. And now that it’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesdays, the same feeling washes over me. How about one that goes to work and another one wreaking havoc on the Xbox 360 at home?

And since we are on the cloning theme, why not try this game from Wahoo Studios and NinjaBee called Cloning Clyde. As Clyde, you try and escape from the clutches of evil company Dupliclone, Inc. You can play not only as one character but switch between hundreds of clones. Or you can turn into a frog, chicken or sheep, take your pick.

There are 2 distinct game modes – 2 simultaneous players cooperating and 4 players battling it out – including 40 cooperative levels and 6 versus arenas. Play online through Xbox Live with up to eight friends.

This 3D side-scrolling adventure, slated for release in Summer 2006 is guaranteed to bring endless fun to the whole family. You can now download a free demo from Xbox Live Arcade, but if you want the full version it’s worth 800 points. The demo is available in all Xbox Live regions. Other featured games are Frogger, Galaga, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting and Pac-Man.

Via xbox

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