Completely free: Archlord introduces downloadable clients

ArchLord. Will you become one? - Image 1

If there’s one thing that beats having a game become free to play, it’s having that same game become completely free. Codemasters Online Gaming’s ArchLord has now adopted a “100% free” gaming stance by introducing downloadable game clients for people to play ArchLord.

According to this new scheme, players can now forego buying the game from stores. Instead, they can download the game and grab an authorization key through the ArchLord website. To compensate gamers who recently bought the game, however, Codemasters is offering credits for their in-game microtransaction system so that players can buy additional goodies for their character.

It certainly looks like an impressive way to draw in more players, as there’s almost no way you can lose out. The only question is, are you going to try to become ArchLord too?

ArchLord. Will you become one? - Image 1

If there’s one thing that beats having a game become free to play, it’s having that same game become completely free. Codemasters Online Gaming’s ArchLord has now adopted a “100% free” gaming stance by introducing downloadable game clients for people to play ArchLord.

According to this new scheme, players can now forego buying the game from stores. Instead, they can download the game and grab an authorization key through the ArchLord website. To compensate gamers who recently bought the game, however, Codemasters is offering credits for their in-game microtransaction system so that players can buy additional goodies for their character.

It certainly looks like an impressive way to draw in more players, as there’s almost no way you can lose out. The only question is, are you going to try to become ArchLord too?

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