Conquer Online – A City of Peace?


The main city and first station in the MMO Conquer Online will, as of tomorrow, become a “no violence” zone – or, as the folks at NetDragon Websoft call it, a “Peaceful City.”

Twin City is “home base” for CO players. This is usually where they come to make friends, hold events, begin quests, etc. It is also newbies first arrive in the CO world. Apparently, many players who have suffered in the game clamored for some kind of “neutral ground” where they wouldn’t have to worry about being “Player Killed,” or PKed. Thus, the programmers have decided to make Twin City a non-PK map.

At first, this would seem to be an odd choice for any MMO game, the overwhelming majority of which are based on violence, death and mayhem. After all, most world cultures’ classic myth structure, the Heroic Journey or Quest is a universal tale of violence and conflict – and the basis of not only MMO games, but virtually every good story, novel, play and film.

On the other hand (without going into the effects this “classic myth” has had on humanity in 10,000 blood-soaked years of written history), it’s nice to have some kind of “safe zone” in which to rest and regroup…all that murder and mayhem has got to be wearying at best.

Conquer Online is  an Asian martial-arts MMORPG. With more limited graphics, it’s a faster moving game for players with older machines.

Via Conquer Online Website


The main city and first station in the MMO Conquer Online will, as of tomorrow, become a “no violence” zone – or, as the folks at NetDragon Websoft call it, a “Peaceful City.”

Twin City is “home base” for CO players. This is usually where they come to make friends, hold events, begin quests, etc. It is also newbies first arrive in the CO world. Apparently, many players who have suffered in the game clamored for some kind of “neutral ground” where they wouldn’t have to worry about being “Player Killed,” or PKed. Thus, the programmers have decided to make Twin City a non-PK map.

At first, this would seem to be an odd choice for any MMO game, the overwhelming majority of which are based on violence, death and mayhem. After all, most world cultures’ classic myth structure, the Heroic Journey or Quest is a universal tale of violence and conflict – and the basis of not only MMO games, but virtually every good story, novel, play and film.

On the other hand (without going into the effects this “classic myth” has had on humanity in 10,000 blood-soaked years of written history), it’s nice to have some kind of “safe zone” in which to rest and regroup…all that murder and mayhem has got to be wearying at best.

Conquer Online is  an Asian martial-arts MMORPG. With more limited graphics, it’s a faster moving game for players with older machines.

Via Conquer Online Website

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