Couple Find Love Through Xbox Live

A couple from London are planning to get married after they met on Xbox Live, while play an unknown golf game, 920km away from each other.

Claire Wilcox was playing the game with American Shane Nelson, after he joined the game. They got into a chat and got into a conversation that lasted for hours, and that’s how they met. One month later, Shane asked Claire if she wanted to marry him.

Claire, mother of two, said: “Shane asked to play. He was quiet to start with until I remember saying to one of my friends, ‘I just want somebody to romance me’.” Shane heard that over Live and said: “Down girl. Where do you live?”.

The rest is obvious, they played together a lot and now they’re getting married in July, and they’re also planning on buying a home in the US.

A couple from London are planning to get married after they met on Xbox Live, while play an unknown golf game, 920km away from each other.

Claire Wilcox was playing the game with American Shane Nelson, after he joined the game. They got into a chat and got into a conversation that lasted for hours, and that’s how they met. One month later, Shane asked Claire if she wanted to marry him.

Claire, mother of two, said: “Shane asked to play. He was quiet to start with until I remember saying to one of my friends, ‘I just want somebody to romance me’.” Shane heard that over Live and said: “Down girl. Where do you live?”.

The rest is obvious, they played together a lot and now they’re getting married in July, and they’re also planning on buying a home in the US.

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