Crush screenshots: 2D-to-3D, there and back again

Crush: Holy floating blue balls, Batman! - Image 1

Holy glowing blue balls orbs, Batman! So you think the Wii’s the only one who’s got the whole 2D-to-3D-to-2D-and-back-again gig going on, huh? Not if Sega and Kuju Entertainment‘s got anything to say about it. While Super Paper Mario uses the same concept, Crush adds something new to the whole “changing perspectives” aspect on the PSP.

Aside from controlling an insomniac in his bathrobe (as opposed to a be-mustached Italian plumber), you’ll not only be switching 2D and 3D as a side-scroller, but also switching depths of field from the top view. Yes, we know that the explanation sounds confusing, that’s what trailers, screenshots, fact sheets, and GDC lectures are for. Also, that’s what even more screenshots are for.

In this new batch from Jeux-France, we see Crush from its various points of view: from the top, from the side, from off-center, from obliquely to the side with approximately 34.57892 degrees looking down…

Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 3 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 4 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 7

Change your angle, click the Full Article link below for more pics!

Crush: Holy floating blue balls, Batman! - Image 1

Holy glowing blue balls orbs, Batman! So you think the Wii’s the only one who’s got the whole 2D-to-3D-to-2D-and-back-again gig going on, huh? Not if Sega and Kuju Entertainment‘s got anything to say about it. While Super Paper Mario uses the same concept, Crush adds something new to the whole “changing perspectives” aspect on the PSP.

Aside from controlling an insomniac in his bathrobe (as opposed to a be-mustached Italian plumber), you’ll not only be switching 2D and 3D as a side-scroller, but also switching depths of field from the top view. Yes, we know that the explanation sounds confusing, that’s what trailers, screenshots, fact sheets, and GDC lectures are for. Also, that’s what even more screenshots are for.

In this new batch from Jeux-France, we see Crush from its various points of view: from the top, from the side, from off-center, from obliquely to the side with approximately 34.57892 degrees looking down…

Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 1 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 2 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 3
Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 4 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 5 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 6
Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 7 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 8 Crush screens: from 2D to 3D and back again - Image 9

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