CTU: Wii want to play too!

Aside from being expected to take Europe by storm tomorrow and enjoying heaps of success in Japan, Wii also made a big splash in the U.S. Heck, even busy actors try to steal time away from their work just to play with Ninty’s new toy. Chris Barrett and Efren Ramirez are shown in the video above (uploaded at YouTube by chrisbarrett) playing with the soon-to-be-part of 24’s CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) set. Although Jack Bauer is not present to bust a cap in the ass rear-end of any baddies that may try to steal CTU’s precious Wii, the fact that Wii is being given high enough security clearance to get through the doors of CTU shows just how great the console is.

The video shows a Wii before launch as this was filmed back at the beginning of November resting in the CTU HQ lobby, with Barrett and Ramirez handling the controller, which in their capable hands does not fly towards the TV screen. The video quality isn’t great but it does look like they are having a go at Wii Sports. Lets just hope Mr Bauer doesn’t get his hands on Red Steel, he wouldn’t die and nobody else would get a chance to have a go!

Aside from being expected to take Europe by storm tomorrow and enjoying heaps of success in Japan, Wii also made a big splash in the U.S. Heck, even busy actors try to steal time away from their work just to play with Ninty’s new toy. Chris Barrett and Efren Ramirez are shown in the video above (uploaded at YouTube by chrisbarrett) playing with the soon-to-be-part of 24’s CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) set. Although Jack Bauer is not present to bust a cap in the ass rear-end of any baddies that may try to steal CTU’s precious Wii, the fact that Wii is being given high enough security clearance to get through the doors of CTU shows just how great the console is.

The video shows a Wii before launch as this was filmed back at the beginning of November resting in the CTU HQ lobby, with Barrett and Ramirez handling the controller, which in their capable hands does not fly towards the TV screen. The video quality isn’t great but it does look like they are having a go at Wii Sports. Lets just hope Mr Bauer doesn’t get his hands on Red Steel, he wouldn’t die and nobody else would get a chance to have a go!

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