Cute and kick-ass: Wii smart cars

Wii Smart Cars! - Image 1 Wii Smart Cars! - Image 2 

PlayStation trucks, you’ve found your match. Well, cute ones, anyway. Nintendo of Canada‘s Wii smart cars will happily roam the streets sometime soon, bearing good news and yes, a TV and Nintendo Wii goodness.

Painted in blue and white, these cool cars are equipped with wide-screen TVs and one Nintendo Wii consoles, installed at the back.

Small they may be, they may just pack a powerful punch against the PlayStation 3’s mammoth gaming experience-on-wheels. We can almost see kids and parents alike fighting tooth-and-nail for their turn.

For the meantime, there is no word that they will be zipping through North American streets soon. They look awesome, though. We certainly hope they will… and not get jackedin the process. They’re just that adorable.

Wii Smart Cars! - Image 1 Wii Smart Cars! - Image 2 

PlayStation trucks, you’ve found your match. Well, cute ones, anyway. Nintendo of Canada‘s Wii smart cars will happily roam the streets sometime soon, bearing good news and yes, a TV and Nintendo Wii goodness.

Painted in blue and white, these cool cars are equipped with wide-screen TVs and one Nintendo Wii consoles, installed at the back.

Small they may be, they may just pack a powerful punch against the PlayStation 3’s mammoth gaming experience-on-wheels. We can almost see kids and parents alike fighting tooth-and-nail for their turn.

For the meantime, there is no word that they will be zipping through North American streets soon. They look awesome, though. We certainly hope they will… and not get jackedin the process. They’re just that adorable.

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