Dead Space writer says you need to listen to the dialogue to complete the game

Dead Space - Image 1It’s not surprising for a writer to want people to read his work, but what Dead Space (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) writer Antony Johnston said in an interview with PSW magazine could give gamers more incentive to listen closely during the game’s cutscenes. More in the full article.

Dead Space - Image 1

It’s not surprising for a writer to want people to read his work, but what Dead Space (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) writer Antony Johnston said in an interview with PSW magazine could give gamers more incentive to listen closely during the game’s cutscenes.

“If you want to find out the mysteries of the game, you need to listen to the dialogue” said Johnson, who wrote the game’s story as well as the Image comics. “But more than that, you actually need to listen to it so you can complete the game.”

What, will we be quizzed on it afterwards? Kinda unlikely, but it would be easy to hide a password in the game’s dialogue. Most gamers do pay attention to the cutscenes anyway. Games are just too expensive these days to not try and get the most out of every purchase.

Personally, I only skip cutscenes during subsequent playthroughs of a game I already finished. What about you guys? What’s your take on cutscenes?

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