Debug your games: WiiRD/GeckoOS first public release
The USBGecko team has come out with the first public release of the GeckoOS and WiiRD. Together, these two applications allow users to boot and debug a good number of games, including, it seems, those from the Wii homebrew channel.
Download: WiiRD first public release
Download: GeckoOS first public release
The USBGecko team, the ones behind Gecko Region Free, has come out with the first public release of the GeckoOS and WiiRD. Together, these two applications allow users to boot and debug a good number of games, including, it seems, those from the homebrew channel.
The two downloads come with some rather extensive instructions, so we advise those folks using it to check the documentation included in each before installing and using the applications.
Nuke does note a problem that’s inherent in this version of the applications, however:
if using RGB scart lead you will get a red screen, this is unavoidable unless the ISO is edited, its due to some region bytes on the DVD at 0x4E000 which i still don’t understand but they can’t seem to be edited / checked in ram. Datel freeloader does the same thing, i don’t think its a bug just a restriction.
That being said, if you’re a Wiibrew coder, you may want to pick this up. Just make sure you read up first and know what you’re getting into before you use WiiRD and GeckoOS.
Download: WiiRD first public release
Download: GeckoOS first public release
Via USBGecko forums