DeSmuME v0.5.0
NDS has updated the DeSmuMe homebrew, a DS Emulator for the PC. What it does is boot DS homebrew apps and games (some of which are playable) on PCs.
Also, the app allows DS homebrew devs to test drive their apps and iron out the kinks in their PCs before loading them on their DS. No need to switch back and forth!
Originally a project of YopYop, DeSmuME v0.5.0 is now 100% C code, compiles and runs on 64-bit compilers, FAT/CompactFlash emulation, framebuffer emulation, sound emulation, backup memory emulation, and save states.
So far, early users reported a few bugs but NDS assures all he isn’t finish with it yet.
Anyway, please refer to the file (for Windows port) and the readme.lin (for the Linux port) for a lot more details.
Download: [DeSmuME v0.5.0]
NDS has updated the DeSmuMe homebrew, a DS Emulator for the PC. What it does is boot DS homebrew apps and games (some of which are playable) on PCs.
Also, the app allows DS homebrew devs to test drive their apps and iron out the kinks in their PCs before loading them on their DS. No need to switch back and forth!
Originally a project of YopYop, DeSmuME v0.5.0 is now 100% C code, compiles and runs on 64-bit compilers, FAT/CompactFlash emulation, framebuffer emulation, sound emulation, backup memory emulation, and save states.
So far, early users reported a few bugs but NDS assures all he isn’t finish with it yet.
Anyway, please refer to the file (for Windows port) and the readme.lin (for the Linux port) for a lot more details.
Download: [DeSmuME v0.5.0]