Detective Conan: Case Closed screens magnifying on mini-games
Marvelous Interactive‘s upcoming “Case Closed” Wii game is coming along nicely, with its Japan release just around the corner (next month; May 17 to be exact). Fully titled as Detective Conan: Tsuioku no Mirajiyu, the game will playing much like what some would imagine a Phoenix Wright on the Wii would be like. Hey, when you’re talking about investigation, it’s usually a toss-up between Nick and Conan.
Anyways, you’ll be using the Wiimote to find clues and solve the case at an amusement park on an outlying island. As the backdrop for the game is an amusement park, you know what to expect: mini-games! So today, we’ve got a bunch of screens that show just that (among others).
Take for example what you see above: it’s a whack-a-mole type of mini-game, with you using the Wii remote to point and click the moles back into their pipes. Here are the rest of the screens, and make sure you got that magnifying glass ready – thumbnails won’t do any good, so just click to enlarge them!
Marvelous Interactive‘s upcoming “Case Closed” Wii game is coming along nicely, with its Japan release just around the corner (next month; May 17 to be exact). Fully titled as Detective Conan: Tsuioku no Mirajiyu, the game will playing much like what some would imagine a Phoenix Wright on the Wii would be like. Hey, when you’re talking about investigation, it’s usually a toss-up between Nick and Conan.
Anyways, you’ll be using the Wiimote to find clues and solve the case at an amusement park on an outlying island. As the backdrop for the game is an amusement park, you know what to expect: mini-games! So today, we’ve got a bunch of screens that show just that (among others).
Take for example what you see above: it’s a whack-a-mole type of mini-game, with you using the Wii remote to point and click the moles back into their pipes. Here are the rest of the screens, and make sure you got that magnifying glass ready – thumbnails won’t do any good, so just click to enlarge them!