Devhook Updated to Version 0.43 – 2.60 Firmware Emulation *Update*


After a couple of quick and timely bug fixes to v0.42, Booster has now released version 0.43 of his very popular and useful device hook. Now this version allows you to launch another firmware version, up to 2.60, and use almost all of its features, including use of the web browser and LocationFree player, and the ability to run UMDs that require firmware version 2.60. The firmware remains loaded in the PSP’s RAM, so after a simple reboot of your PSP, it will return to firmware version 1.5 like magic.

With that, we come to what this post is really all about, the V0.42b -> V0.43 changelog (courtesy of QJ.Net’s trusty Jeff C.):

– FW2.60 reboot supported (A part of the installer is not supported yet).
– It is now possible for users to specify the load address for rebooting.
– UMD read callback changed from 1 sector to multiple sectors.
– The return value of dhGetVersion() changed from 0x00420002 to 0x00430000.
– Now DevHook will be started when starting the launcher.
– Launcher modified, 0.42b/0.43 new settings, menu construction, display layout.
– Plain20.prx and plain25.prx now unified into plain2x.prx.
– Append to stack when performing flashEMU.
– Added a shortcut key for exiting DevHook when rebooted.
– Fixed a bug in v0.42b that you cannot set the clock.

Of course, Devhook, like every homebrew projects around, is a work in progress. The evolution of this awesome piece of work can be seen by clicking here. Here’s a list of issues Booster is looking into fixing come Devhook’s next release:

– NO-UMD for FW2.00
NAND driver emulation

I don’t think I really need to reiterate the importance of this post, a quick look will give you that. But for the sake of the new owners of FW 1.50 (those who just downgraded their 2.50/2.60 PSPs), this version will now give you the full enjoyment of playing UMDs that require 2.60, browse the web, and run homebrew applications, games, and emulators on your PSP!

Update: There indeed was a fix for Devhook 0.43 released. This update provides WiFi in 333mhz mode. the features of the web browser AND RSS. Let’s not forget the addition of a working home button. We have updated the download provided below. Thanks to CoBrA2168 and others for the tip. 😉

Download: [Devhook v0.43 Source Code] (fix)

Note: For those of you who were quick enough to catch a brief glimpse of an update (not the fix), the file was indeed fake and a copy of BookR – check out the on going thread in our forums for more details.

Update 2: There has been some concerns from various users that the latest devhook version damages some files loaded on the memory stick; well as always, Booster has a quick fix to that. In this latest release, a countermeasure was created to prevent that from happening. (Thanks to TrueCrisis for the heads up.) There are other changes which are:

– Carried out a countermeasure to prevent damaging the files on memory stick.
– Return value of dhGetVersion() changed from 0x00430000 to 0x00430100.
– Source code cleanup.

Download: [Devhook v04.31]

UPDATE 3: Booster is once again releasing a quick update to his devhook app, this time he aims to fix the browser freeze experienced by quite a good number of people who tried the previous releases. Here’s the list of the changes for this version:

– Increase stack number when accessing files > The countermeasure for browser freeze under FW2.60-333MHz.
– Clock changes will take effect after 5 seconds > The countermeasure for the problem that cannot return to XMB at 333MHz.
* Version code will be omitted from the future versions.

Download: [Devhook V0.43.0101]

Via pspsoftware


After a couple of quick and timely bug fixes to v0.42, Booster has now released version 0.43 of his very popular and useful device hook. Now this version allows you to launch another firmware version, up to 2.60, and use almost all of its features, including use of the web browser and LocationFree player, and the ability to run UMDs that require firmware version 2.60. The firmware remains loaded in the PSP’s RAM, so after a simple reboot of your PSP, it will return to firmware version 1.5 like magic.

With that, we come to what this post is really all about, the V0.42b -> V0.43 changelog (courtesy of QJ.Net’s trusty Jeff C.):

– FW2.60 reboot supported (A part of the installer is not supported yet).
– It is now possible for users to specify the load address for rebooting.
– UMD read callback changed from 1 sector to multiple sectors.
– The return value of dhGetVersion() changed from 0x00420002 to 0x00430000.
– Now DevHook will be started when starting the launcher.
– Launcher modified, 0.42b/0.43 new settings, menu construction, display layout.
– Plain20.prx and plain25.prx now unified into plain2x.prx.
– Append to stack when performing flashEMU.
– Added a shortcut key for exiting DevHook when rebooted.
– Fixed a bug in v0.42b that you cannot set the clock.

Of course, Devhook, like every homebrew projects around, is a work in progress. The evolution of this awesome piece of work can be seen by clicking here. Here’s a list of issues Booster is looking into fixing come Devhook’s next release:

– NO-UMD for FW2.00
NAND driver emulation

I don’t think I really need to reiterate the importance of this post, a quick look will give you that. But for the sake of the new owners of FW 1.50 (those who just downgraded their 2.50/2.60 PSPs), this version will now give you the full enjoyment of playing UMDs that require 2.60, browse the web, and run homebrew applications, games, and emulators on your PSP!

Update: There indeed was a fix for Devhook 0.43 released. This update provides WiFi in 333mhz mode. the features of the web browser AND RSS. Let’s not forget the addition of a working home button. We have updated the download provided below. Thanks to CoBrA2168 and others for the tip. 😉

Download: [Devhook v0.43 Source Code] (fix)

Note: For those of you who were quick enough to catch a brief glimpse of an update (not the fix), the file was indeed fake and a copy of BookR – check out the on going thread in our forums for more details.

Update 2: There has been some concerns from various users that the latest devhook version damages some files loaded on the memory stick; well as always, Booster has a quick fix to that. In this latest release, a countermeasure was created to prevent that from happening. (Thanks to TrueCrisis for the heads up.) There are other changes which are:

– Carried out a countermeasure to prevent damaging the files on memory stick.
– Return value of dhGetVersion() changed from 0x00430000 to 0x00430100.
– Source code cleanup.

Download: [Devhook v04.31]

UPDATE 3: Booster is once again releasing a quick update to his devhook app, this time he aims to fix the browser freeze experienced by quite a good number of people who tried the previous releases. Here’s the list of the changes for this version:

– Increase stack number when accessing files > The countermeasure for browser freeze under FW2.60-333MHz.
– Clock changes will take effect after 5 seconds > The countermeasure for the problem that cannot return to XMB at 333MHz.
* Version code will be omitted from the future versions.

Download: [Devhook V0.43.0101]

Via pspsoftware

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