Dhammapada PSP v1.0.0
PSP homebrew developer Sakya came by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums earlier to state that he’s finished work on his latest project, Dhammapada PSP Version 1.0.0. This application contains a portable version of the Dhammapada – the Pali dialect version of a series of Buddhist scriptures. More details are available in the full article.
Download: Dhammapada PSP version 1.0.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums
PSP homebrew developer Sakya came by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums earlier to state that he’s finished work on his latest project, Dhammapada PSP Version 1.0.0.
This simple application contains a portable version of the Dhammapada – the Pali dialect version of a series of Buddhist scriptures. This application carries the original Pali language, the English translation by author John Richards, and an Italian translation for the European folks.
Full details on this application are available in the readme, though the readers will also want to visit Sakya’s post over at the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums. On an off-topic note, We do find it enlightening (no pun intended) that the homebrew community’s taking steps to promote an air atmosphere of religious awareness for Sony’s portable system. Enjoy the download!
Download: Dhammapada PSP version 1.0.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums