Donkey64 – Working Emulator?

This has been floating around the ‘net for the last week, but we’ve just heard about Donkey64, a N64 emulator that claims to be working by its author. He even provided us with a video showing Mario Kart 64 being launched and a race being played. However, those who have been around the PSP scene for a while know that videos aren’t always trustworthy. What makes this even harder to believe is that the author isn’t releasing his eboot yet because he wants everything perfect for its release.

While everyone and their mother would love to believe this news, one can’t help but be a little skeptical about the whole issue. In the video we do see him launch the eboot for his emulator, but after this the camera zooms in to just the screen, so we can’t actually verify if he is playing or if it is simply a recorded video. The author has addressed issues with his emulator already, saying that the video and audio get out of sync and that after playing for 10 minutes “the game becomes so slow that the emulator just crashes.”

However, there is also a possibility that this guy is telling the truth and that he actually has a stable N64 emulator. In future releases he hopes to get games running at 60FPS and he even hopes to incorporate a wireless 2 player mode. At the moment, he says that his emulator will only work on 1.0 or 1.5 firmware PSPs due to kernel usage.

This is one of those awkward situations where we’ll have a bunch of believers and a bunch of non-believers, so go ahead and check out this video for yourself and give us your two cents on the issue at hand.

We’d like to give a special thanks to Sam Worley for pointing this out!

Download: [Donkey64 PSP Emulator Video]
This has been floating around the ‘net for the last week, but we’ve just heard about Donkey64, a N64 emulator that claims to be working by its author. He even provided us with a video showing Mario Kart 64 being launched and a race being played. However, those who have been around the PSP scene for a while know that videos aren’t always trustworthy. What makes this even harder to believe is that the author isn’t releasing his eboot yet because he wants everything perfect for its release.

While everyone and their mother would love to believe this news, one can’t help but be a little skeptical about the whole issue. In the video we do see him launch the eboot for his emulator, but after this the camera zooms in to just the screen, so we can’t actually verify if he is playing or if it is simply a recorded video. The author has addressed issues with his emulator already, saying that the video and audio get out of sync and that after playing for 10 minutes “the game becomes so slow that the emulator just crashes.”

However, there is also a possibility that this guy is telling the truth and that he actually has a stable N64 emulator. In future releases he hopes to get games running at 60FPS and he even hopes to incorporate a wireless 2 player mode. At the moment, he says that his emulator will only work on 1.0 or 1.5 firmware PSPs due to kernel usage.

This is one of those awkward situations where we’ll have a bunch of believers and a bunch of non-believers, so go ahead and check out this video for yourself and give us your two cents on the issue at hand.

We’d like to give a special thanks to Sam Worley for pointing this out!

Download: [Donkey64 PSP Emulator Video]

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