DS Game Maker v1.5

DS Game Maker in action - Image 1

FatQuack has released DS Game Maker v1.5, an application designed to help homebrew creators in making games. According to FatQuack, the application is a WYSIWYG game maker for people who use PAlib which makes it easier for them to create an interface for their homebrew. (You’ll still need to use C or some other programming language to breathe life into it.)

Here are the changes since version 1.0:


  • Image transparency (Magenta is replaced with transparent).
  • Makes sure you don’t use image sizes that don’t compile in properly.
  • Sprites can snap to grid.


  • It has image transparency and gives you the ability to set the install path of DevkitPro both of which are set in a .ini file.  It also has a property dialog for sprites that appears when you double click on a sprite in the canvas.

Just remember that you’ll still need to program life into your games, and that to run the application, you’ll also need .net Framework v2.0 or higher. Enjoy!

Download: DS Game Maker v1.5

DS Game Maker in action - Image 1

FatQuack has released DS Game Maker v1.5, an application designed to help homebrew creators in making games. According to FatQuack, the application is a WYSIWYG game maker for people who use PAlib which makes it easier for them to create an interface for their homebrew. (You’ll still need to use C or some other programming language to breathe life into it.)

Here are the changes since version 1.0:


  • Image transparency (Magenta is replaced with transparent).
  • Makes sure you don’t use image sizes that don’t compile in properly.
  • Sprites can snap to grid.


  • It has image transparency and gives you the ability to set the install path of DevkitPro both of which are set in a .ini file.  It also has a property dialog for sprites that appears when you double click on a sprite in the canvas.

Just remember that you’ll still need to program life into your games, and that to run the application, you’ll also need .net Framework v2.0 or higher. Enjoy!

Download: DS Game Maker v1.5

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