DS-Xtreme Priced!

Divineo recently announced their price for the DS-Xtreme 4gbit version. This version will hold 512mb of memory and will run you about 125$ (not including shipping) from your pocket. This is a very expensive NDS flashcart, but its high price is justified by its unique features. This flashcart features built-in no-pass support and a mini-USB (USB-B) connector so that you can connect directly to your PC. Once connected to your PC it is just a simple plug-in, drag and drop installation process. This will be one of the easiest flascarts to get up and running, but will also limit you to only .nds files (gba homebrew and ROMs are not playable).

Via Divineo

Divineo recently announced their price for the DS-Xtreme 4gbit version. This version will hold 512mb of memory and will run you about 125$ (not including shipping) from your pocket. This is a very expensive NDS flashcart, but its high price is justified by its unique features. This flashcart features built-in no-pass support and a mini-USB (USB-B) connector so that you can connect directly to your PC. Once connected to your PC it is just a simple plug-in, drag and drop installation process. This will be one of the easiest flascarts to get up and running, but will also limit you to only .nds files (gba homebrew and ROMs are not playable).

Via Divineo

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