E3 2009: The Fat Princess makes her entrance

Fat Princess E3 2009 - Image 1Once upon a time, there lived a fair princess. She was born from Titan Studios, where she remained locked up in her castle, and only cake-loving beta testers have been able to come to see her. Fortunately, the fairy tale continues as Fat Princess makes her royal entrance into E3. Catch her debut vid right here.

Once upon a time, there lived a fair princess. She was born from Titan Studios, where she remained locked up in her castle, and only cake-loving beta testers have been able to come to see her. Fortunately, the fairy tale continues as Fat Princess makes her royal entrance into E3. Catch her debut vid right here.

I’m somehow drawn to this game a lot, maybe it’s all that cake. There hasn’t been a capture-the-flag game quite like this one, and I’m very interested in seeing the game come out. Now that she’s also gonna try and fit into the PSP, you might take that as a vote of confidence from Sony that it’s gonna be good.

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