E3 Cometh!

In the words of the wise and benevolent Ignignokt, “Bow down, so your digital ruler can approacheth”.

It’s right around the corner, blink and you might miss it, can you feel the fever? The air is still, and the big three have gone into silent mode. The city of Los Angeles prepares once again as it does every year for more than a decade past to harbor the throngs of gaming journalists who will make pilgrimage to the great gaming Mecca… E3!

Read the full article after the jump!

In the words of the wise and benevolent Ignignokt, “Bow down, so your digital ruler can approacheth”.

It’s right around the corner, blink and you might miss it, can you feel the fever? The air is still, and the big three have gone into silent mode. The city of Los Angeles prepares once again as it does every year for more than a decade past to harbor the throngs of gaming journalists who will make pilgrimage to the great gaming Mecca… E3!

It’s obvious from the pics above that Sony has the biggest boxes at this year’s E3, and there are more of them so they win… Ok so we don’t actually have any pictures of Microsoft’s boxes, but we’re sure they’re there!

The hype surrounding this year’s E3 is stratospheric, it happens every so often that new consoles are revealed at E3 but the state of play this year even more rare. Both Nintendo and Sony will be looking to lay waste to the competition, eager to make up lost ground by gaining mindshare, it really is in their best interest to blow us away, and in a big way. Microsoft will be on the defensive, but you know what they say about the best defense. They’ll be looking to remind us why we bought a 360, and why if we haven’t we should run out and get one right now. In short, they’re going to be tearing each other apart… and we’ve got the best seats in the house.

But the most exciting thing about this year’s E3 is that it looks like we’ll finally get some straight answers to questions that have been burning in gamer’s minds since last year’s event. Will Killzone look as good as the E3 video? Will we see the next Mario or Zelda? What’s in the cards for Halo? How revolutionary is the Wii? Is the PS3 really as powerful as Sony says? PSP 2.0? A redesign? What’s the next big thing for the DS? Twilight Princess anyone?

In a sense it’s like that big follow up episode to last season’s nail biting cliffhanger, will it live up to the hype or will the show jump the shark? My bet’s on this E3 being one to remember, and yes QJ will be there to cover everything. We’ll have up to the minute updates, audio and video podcasts, hands on previews and pics of the games, the gals and the gear. It’s the next best thing to being there yourself (some would say even better!) We’ll be your eyes,  your ears and  your weary feet, you’ll get all the benefits and experience E3 without having to leave the comfort of home, so leave some words in the comments section and let us know what you’d like to see the most of at E3!

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