EA Mythic sends Warhammer: Age of Reckoning Europe beta test invites
If you live in Europe and have been drooling over EA Mythic‘s Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning for some time now, then better drop a coin into the nearest wishing well then check your email afterwards. Why? Because EA Mythic just recently sent out beta testing invites to the nest Warhammer: Age of Reckoning beta testing session. Read more about it in the full article.
MMO gamers in Europe might want to heed this recent announcement. EA Mythic just sent out thousands of invites to the Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning beta testing, so you’d better check your email if you were chosen for the beta testing of the game.
Those who have been keeping tabs with the progress of WAR beta will know that the massively multiplayer online role playing game managed to nab about 500,000 beta testers from North America and Europe alone. The last beta session already ended, but the new closed beta testing period will see some players getting to try out the game in a different manner.
If you’re one of those lucky enough to have been selected, then you should know that the servers will not be open 24/7. The upcoming beta tests will focus more on specific events unlike before.
EA Mythic will need some time to prepare in between such in-game activities. They also have other new stuff in store for beta testers of Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, such as the implementation of the Trophy and Career Mastery Systems, among others.