EA’s Frank Louis on Spielberg, head tracking, and Boom Blox

Logo of Electronic Arts, a video game company - Image 1It seems like Steven Spielberg‘s and Electronic ArtsBoom Blox is shaping up to be one of the most unique and innovative titles to come out on the Wii this year. EA’s Louis Castle talks about the game’s cool head tracking Easter Egg featured during the recent GDC 2008, as well as other details regarding the upcoming title. For more information about the game, read the full article after the jump.

Electronic Arts' Louis Castle - Image 1If you’ve been keeping tabs on QJ.NET’s coverage of Steven Spielberg‘s and Electronic ArtsBoom Blox for the Nintendo Wii, you may have already noticed that the game featured a unique head tracking Easter Egg during is preview during the GDC 2008.

Next Generation was recently able to talk to EA Los Angeles’ Louis Castle on the game’s different features and how it was like to work with the famous silver screen director turned game developer.

He described Spielberg as “a gamer” who appreciates the finer points of both casual and core gaming. Castle mentions how Spielberg would schedule weekly visits to the EA studios to give hands-on assistance for the game.

The game started as a simple concept of simply “dorking around with physics”. However, it was from here that the idea of a game which maximized the Wii players’ compulsion for a loop of creation and destruction was born.

While Boom Blox may have started as a low-key project for EA, Castle admits that the full version of the game has a tremendous scope. The game will contain hundreds of challenges and a free-form sandbox mode that players can spend making and destroying stuff all day.

Perhaps one of the more interesting aspects Castle talked about was the game’s newly unveiled head tracking Easter Egg, which was featured during EA’s presentation during the GDC 2008.

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