Elebits Shuffle: if you don’t have a Wii

Elebits ShuffleLet’s assume that you don’t have enough money to pick up Elebits. Then, let’s go a step further and suppose that you didn’t get a Wii for Christmas. It’s almost 2007, and all you have with you is your underpowered old laptop. You’re a sad left-out gamer in poverty.

Well, if you don’t mind the fact that Elebits Shuffle, the flash game, is nothing like Elebits for the Wii, then you can perhaps fool yourself for a bit and make the last few hours of the holidays feel a bit better.

To play the puzzle solving, Elebits-inspired, hopefully ad-free flash-game click the read-link below.

Elebits ShuffleLet’s assume that you don’t have enough money to pick up Elebits. Then, let’s go a step further and suppose that you didn’t get a Wii for Christmas. It’s almost 2007, and all you have with you is your underpowered old laptop. You’re a sad left-out gamer in poverty.

Well, if you don’t mind the fact that Elebits Shuffle, the flash game, is nothing like Elebits for the Wii, then you can perhaps fool yourself for a bit and make the last few hours of the holidays feel a bit better.

To play the puzzle solving, Elebits-inspired, hopefully ad-free flash-game click the read-link below.

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