Electronic Arts compiles SimCity titles, to release as The SimCity Box

Electronic Arts compiles SimCity titles, to release as The SimCity Box - Image 1Well, what do we have here? Electronic Arts is telling the world that they’re compiling the best of recent SimCity titles into just one box, and they’re aptly naming it The SimCity Box. Now before you start calling foul on the superstar publisher’s copycat moves over Valve’s The Orange Box, hey – at least it’s not called The White Gold Box. Anyway, there’s more info to be had at the full story.

Electronic Arts compiles SimCity titles, to release as The SimCity Box - Image 1 

Over the press waves and under the radar scope, Electronic Arts‘ recent announcement of The SimCity Box has reached us, and it tells that the SimCity compilation will not pack two or three games of the original 17-million selling SimCity. Nay! The SimCity Box will actually carry five games, from SimCity 4 to SimCity Societies and its first City Pack, Destinations.

The SimCity Box, which will include SimCity Societies, SimCity Societies Destinations, SimCity 4, SimCity 4 Rush Hour, and The Sims Carnival SnapCity, is estimated to be valued at about US$ 100 more or less. EA plans to offer The SimCity Box for only US$ 39.99 when its first iterations ship in June for North America.

Okay, so it isn’t exactly as valuable to collectors as, say, EA’s Command & Conquer The First Decade compilation, but The SimCity Box does have one caveat up its sleeve. If you didn’t pick up socially-addictive The SimCity Societies, this is the only chance to pick it up and get the first SimCity Societies City Pack for a measly 10 more smackeroos. That’s snipping off 20 big ones of the top. Big whoop!

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