ELF to DOL Converter v1.2: HBC B9 support for invalid ELF files

Homebrew - ELF to DOL Converter v1.2 - Image 1Ahoy, Wiibrewers! Some of you might have noticed that when you updated to Beta 9 of the Homebrew Channel, some of your homebrew don’t work anymore. This is because B9 no longer supports invalid ELF files, and your homebrew’s one of ’em. If that’s the case, this is just the thing you need: an ELF to DOL converter! Convenient, yes? More details after the link.

Download: ELF to DOL Converter v1.2

Homebrew - ELF to DOL Converter v1.2 - Image 1Ahoy, Wiibrewers! Some of you might have noticed that when you updated to Beta 9 of the Homebrew Channel, some of your homebrew don’t work anymore.

This is because B9 no longer supports invalid ELF files, and your homebrew’s one of ’em.

If that’s the case, this is just the thing you need: an ELF to DOL converter! Convenient, yes? You can go thank Wiibrew dev Yossi for that. Now note that some ELF files still work. You only need to use this converter if you have an invalid ELF file.

Also, you should know that the program deletes old ELF files once converted. You should back them up in case you want to keep them. To convert the files, you’ll need to put the files in the download archive in the apps folder of your SD card, then run the ELF-DOL converter. Follow the instructions, and voila. Keep on brewing!

Download: ELF to DOL Converter v1.2

Via Wiibrew.org

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