Elite Beat Agents Demo Video
Elite Beat Agents is based on Osu!Takakae!Oendan!, a Japan-exclusive game for the Nintendo DS. In Elite Beat Agents, you play a rhythm game by tapping on the touch pad while an elite motivational squad works to motivate someone in dire need.
Wait. Back up. “Elite motivational squad?”
Got that right. This game is all cracked, and just the sight of the Elite Beat Agents dancing away as they do their little “motivational” routine makes us wanna go forward in time so we can finally get our grubby little hands on this game. If you’re looking for something different, addictive, and laugh-out-loud funny, this title is definitely a must-have.
While we’re all waiting for the release of Elite Beat Agents, we have a video of the demo for one of the levels in the game. This is a clip of the “Highway Star” level, as displayed at both E3 and Comic-Con 06. No go on the game’s audio though, since the background noise is a bit high, but look at that doggy go!
Elite Beat Agents will hit US shelves on November 6, 2006.
Via YouTube
Elite Beat Agents is based on Osu!Takakae!Oendan!, a Japan-exclusive game for the Nintendo DS. In Elite Beat Agents, you play a rhythm game by tapping on the touch pad while an elite motivational squad works to motivate someone in dire need.
Wait. Back up. “Elite motivational squad?”
Got that right. This game is all cracked, and just the sight of the Elite Beat Agents dancing away as they do their little “motivational” routine makes us wanna go forward in time so we can finally get our grubby little hands on this game. If you’re looking for something different, addictive, and laugh-out-loud funny, this title is definitely a must-have.
While we’re all waiting for the release of Elite Beat Agents, we have a video of the demo for one of the levels in the game. This is a clip of the “Highway Star” level, as displayed at both E3 and Comic-Con 06. No go on the game’s audio though, since the background noise is a bit high, but look at that doggy go!
Elite Beat Agents will hit US shelves on November 6, 2006.
Via YouTube