Escape DS demo
Mazes are one of the oldest and most popular puzzle games in the history of, well puzzle games. Greek mythology, thousands of years before the DS, tells of the famous Labyrinth – an elaborate maze constructed for King Minos of Crete, which holds the Minotaur.The Minotaur is a creature which is half-bull, half-human (its modern counterpart would be your typical WWF ring slammers).
All sort of mazes have been built since the Labyrinth, from actual puzzles where people can enter and spend the rest of the afternoon finding their way out. To mazes that you see on paper place mats in fast-food chains that help keep your mind off the bland food that you’re about to digest.
To the long list of mazes you can add Escape – a homebrew game for the DS by Bitkari. In Escape, you must guide your spacecraft from your launch pad through the cavern and exit at the top without crashing into walls. To navigate, use the left and right shoulder buttons to fire your thrusters.
Right now, the game is still in demo stage so more features are on its way. But the graphics look great and when the updates roll in, we’re sure it’s going to be one wicked maze.
Download: [Escape DS Demo]
Via Bitkari
Mazes are one of the oldest and most popular puzzle games in the history of, well puzzle games. Greek mythology, thousands of years before the DS, tells of the famous Labyrinth – an elaborate maze constructed for King Minos of Crete, which holds the Minotaur.The Minotaur is a creature which is half-bull, half-human (its modern counterpart would be your typical WWF ring slammers).
All sort of mazes have been built since the Labyrinth, from actual puzzles where people can enter and spend the rest of the afternoon finding their way out. To mazes that you see on paper place mats in fast-food chains that help keep your mind off the bland food that you’re about to digest.
To the long list of mazes you can add Escape – a homebrew game for the DS by Bitkari. In Escape, you must guide your spacecraft from your launch pad through the cavern and exit at the top without crashing into walls. To navigate, use the left and right shoulder buttons to fire your thrusters.
Right now, the game is still in demo stage so more features are on its way. But the graphics look great and when the updates roll in, we’re sure it’s going to be one wicked maze.
Download: [Escape DS Demo]
Via Bitkari