Exchange Rate Generator Beta

psprateImtlmt is one of our newest ‘brewers and he’s come up with a pretty simple application for the PSP called Exchange Rate Generator Beta. Obviously, from the app’s working title we can guess that it’s still in the early stages of development. There is yet no real engine and the code isn’t totally efficient, but it’s feasible.

The application converts three different currencies (AUD, GBP, UEURO) into U.S. dollars but it is interchangeable, which means if, for example you’ve selected GBP, it’s going to convert a certain dollar amount into GBP rate. All the controls let you pick a rounded up amount to convert it except the Start button. Cross is $ 1, circle is $ 10, triangle is $ 50, square is $ 100, R trigger is $200, L trigger is $ 500, and the down control means change currency type.

Quite a handful of PSP forum members have sent their comments in the forum and if you’re curious, you can check it out too at the forum thread link below. Imtlmt promises that there will be more control over the currencies on the brew’s future releases. Someone in the forum even suggested that Imtlmt should add weight distances and measurements, too. What do you think?

Download: [Exchange Rate Generator Beta]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

psprateImtlmt is one of our newest ‘brewers and he’s come up with a pretty simple application for the PSP called Exchange Rate Generator Beta. Obviously, from the app’s working title we can guess that it’s still in the early stages of development. There is yet no real engine and the code isn’t totally efficient, but it’s feasible.

The application converts three different currencies (AUD, GBP, UEURO) into U.S. dollars but it is interchangeable, which means if, for example you’ve selected GBP, it’s going to convert a certain dollar amount into GBP rate. All the controls let you pick a rounded up amount to convert it except the Start button. Cross is $ 1, circle is $ 10, triangle is $ 50, square is $ 100, R trigger is $200, L trigger is $ 500, and the down control means change currency type.

Quite a handful of PSP forum members have sent their comments in the forum and if you’re curious, you can check it out too at the forum thread link below. Imtlmt promises that there will be more control over the currencies on the brew’s future releases. Someone in the forum even suggested that Imtlmt should add weight distances and measurements, too. What do you think?

Download: [Exchange Rate Generator Beta]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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