Extreme Cheats v7 with source code
After almost three months of hiatus, homebrew developer Quake came out anew and dropped v7 of pet application Extreme Cheats. He’s also giving the rest of the community a piece of “cheat heaven” as he released the source code for this PSP Windows-based program.
As you all know by now, Extreme Cheats is a GUI that aids users to maintain their database for CWCheat. The latter was created by another developer Weltall. The following are the improvements done to Extreme Cheats v7:
- Install:
- revH to revI – 3.10 OE
- Cheats form:
- Fixed Menu Open – Cancel Error
- Fixed Space on Game Name – Now has button goto (By pressing a number or letter on the keyboard).
- Settings form:
- Load Options
- Cheat DB
- Sort
- Settings Options
- Buttons Sound
- Change Button Sound
- Auto Unload
- Update:
- Direct download (This can be changed and saved)
- The link to the download page.
- Update Checker
- DB Urls
- Cheat DB Url – Used for the Menu
- Web Url – Used for the Menu
Since the source code for this program is now available, we believe that a handful of other coders would be very much interested to tweak Extreme Cheats to their liking. As always, please acknowledge Quake somewhere in your program whenever you do this.
Download: Extreme Cheats v7
Download: Extreme Cheats v7 (source code)
Via Trading-Post
After almost three months of hiatus, homebrew developer Quake came out anew and dropped v7 of pet application Extreme Cheats. He’s also giving the rest of the community a piece of “cheat heaven” as he released the source code for this PSP Windows-based program.
As you all know by now, Extreme Cheats is a GUI that aids users to maintain their database for CWCheat. The latter was created by another developer Weltall. The following are the improvements done to Extreme Cheats v7:
- Install:
- revH to revI – 3.10 OE
- Cheats form:
- Fixed Menu Open – Cancel Error
- Fixed Space on Game Name – Now has button goto (By pressing a number or letter on the keyboard).
- Settings form:
- Load Options
- Cheat DB
- Sort
- Settings Options
- Buttons Sound
- Change Button Sound
- Auto Unload
- Update:
- Direct download (This can be changed and saved)
- The link to the download page.
- Update Checker
- DB Urls
- Cheat DB Url – Used for the Menu
- Web Url – Used for the Menu
Since the source code for this program is now available, we believe that a handful of other coders would be very much interested to tweak Extreme Cheats to their liking. As always, please acknowledge Quake somewhere in your program whenever you do this.
Download: Extreme Cheats v7
Download: Extreme Cheats v7 (source code)
Via Trading-Post