SCEP - Image 1

Aldostools informed us yesterday that there was a new version of SCEP up, but we only got to updating the application today. Needless to say, there’s three versions, depending on what type of PSP and FW you’re using.

Here’s what Poisonhzkj wrote as part of the changelist, according to Aldostools. We’ve spruced it up a bit though, just to make it easier to read:

  • Some little bug fixes
  • Shows password as ******.
  • Remember last screen shot area.
  • Add a thread to prevent CPU frequency jump back.
  • There is a firmware edition now .
  • USBHost can be use in 3.03OEC now(but something different from 3.10OE because sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype dont works in 303oec)

Now, there are three versions depending on your PSP: 3.03, 3.10, and Flash. Usbhost works different in 3.03 OE primarily because the code line stated works in 3.10, but not 3.03. Flash version also stores all files on flash1 (SCEP.prx, font.dat, etc), and adds a loader prx to flash0 (SCEP_loader.prx, it loads SCEP.prx from flash1)

Again, there doesn’t seem to be a manual for any of these, but the source link below has some excellent instructions, though the English is somewhat spotty at points. In any case, make sure you back up your files and whatnot and follow the directions very carefully so you lessen the chances of bricking your PSP.

Download: SCEP-XMB v1.0 RC 3.03
Download: SCEP-XMB v1.0 RC 3.10
Download: SCEP-XMB Flash v1.0 RC

SCEP - Image 1

Aldostools informed us yesterday that there was a new version of SCEP up, but we only got to updating the application today. Needless to say, there’s three versions, depending on what type of PSP and FW you’re using.

Here’s what Poisonhzkj wrote as part of the changelist, according to Aldostools. We’ve spruced it up a bit though, just to make it easier to read:

  • Some little bug fixes
  • Shows password as ******.
  • Remember last screen shot area.
  • Add a thread to prevent CPU frequency jump back.
  • There is a firmware edition now .
  • USBHost can be use in 3.03OEC now(but something different from 3.10OE because sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype dont works in 303oec)

Now, there are three versions depending on your PSP: 3.03, 3.10, and Flash. Usbhost works different in 3.03 OE primarily because the code line stated works in 3.10, but not 3.03. Flash version also stores all files on flash1 (SCEP.prx, font.dat, etc), and adds a loader prx to flash0 (SCEP_loader.prx, it loads SCEP.prx from flash1)

Again, there doesn’t seem to be a manual for any of these, but the source link below has some excellent instructions, though the English is somewhat spotty at points. In any case, make sure you back up your files and whatnot and follow the directions very carefully so you lessen the chances of bricking your PSP.

Download: SCEP-XMB v1.0 RC 3.03
Download: SCEP-XMB v1.0 RC 3.10
Download: SCEP-XMB Flash v1.0 RC

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