Fading Shadows screens: rolling the soul-filled ball
Not much has been revealed about Ivolgamus UAB‘s Fading Shadows. From the little information revealed, it is a PSP exclusive puzzle game-platformer hybrid with 40 levels. The game’s premise is rather strange, as players have to guide a ball, which contains a young boy’s soul, to the Castle of Heaven.
Want to see what the game looks like? Check out the screenshots in the full article.
Not much has been revealed about Ivolgamus UAB‘s Fading Shadows. From the little information revealed, it is a PSP exclusive puzzle game-platformer hybrid with 40 levels. The game’s premise is rather strange, as players have to guide a ball, which contains a young boy’s soul, to the Castle of Heaven.
Graphically, the game looks to be pretty solid. The screenshots show off some of the more fiendish traps in the game as well as the different puzzles players have to solve to get to the Castle of Heaven.
If puzzle-platformers are your cup of tea, you might want to know that Fading Shadows is expected to be out by February next year. While waiting for this game, why not spend some time looking at these screenshots.