Fallout 3 aready on some Walmart shelves?

Fallout 3 - Image 1It seems some Walmart stores are so eager to give gamers their post-apocalyptic gaming fix that they’ve already started selling copies of Bethesda‘s Fallout 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, and PC) before the game’s official October 28 release.

It seems some Walmart stores are so eager to give gamers their post-apocalyptic gaming fix that they’ve already started selling copies of Bethesda‘s Fallout 3 (PS3, Xbox 360, and PC) before the game’s official October 28 release.

The picture below was taken at a Walmart in Mississippi. If you can’t bear the four-day wait, you might want to check out your local Walmart and see if they already have copies on their shelves.

Fallout 3 spotted at Walmart - Image 1

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