Far Cry 2 Space launches in PlayStation Home closed beta
Beta testers are the envy of the rest of the PS3 gamers again as Space for Far Cry 2 launches in PlayStation Home. For those who are in the beta, go to the full article to know what the expect. For those who aren’t in the beta, go to the full article to know what you’re missing out on.
Beta testers are the envy of the rest of the PS3 gamers again as Space for Far Cry 2 launches in PlayStation Home. For those who are in the beta, here’s what you can expect from the Space. For those who aren’t, here’s what you’re missing out on.
The Space will contain in-game environments. This includes the office of Reuben Oluwagembi, “a journalist caught in the middle of the propaganda conflict between the warring UFLL and APR factions.” You can ransack his office for all it’s worth, with no one asking what the hell you’re doing, ransacking people’s offices.
The office contains files that will give you more clues on the history of the Jackal and other warlords in the game. There’s also an interactive map of the game world to help familiarize you with the Far Cry 2 environment.
Multiplayer mode for Mancala that uses bullets as game pieces will also be playable in the Space. More features will be added to it in the future.
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Via PlayStation