Features that would add value to the Wii’s Opera browser

Buttonmapping for the Wiimote - Image 1The Wii Gamers have come up with a list of new browser features that they want to see in the next version of the Wii’s Opera browser.

The features range from the cool (browsing the Internet, Wiimote-style!) to the technical. Features that lean more towards the technical side include common file support, which would be very useful in turning the Wii into a media center.

Another feature that seems like a no-brainer is text input. Text input using the Wiimote is nothing short of frustrating, and so support for an external keyboard would be great. Or, Opera could take a cue from the Wii Gamers and go this route:

One aspect of the DS the Wii Browser could quite easily take advantage of is its keyboard. Imagine: DS is in Download Play, Wii uploads software, DS beeps, user types in DS and DS uploads back the text. Pretty neat huh.

Since Nintendo has been very proud of potential Wii/DS connectivity, using the DS as a keyboard actually sounds like a great idea. Check out the whole feature by clicking on the “read” link below.

Buttonmapping for the Wiimote - Image 1The Wii Gamers have come up with a list of new browser features that they want to see in the next version of the Wii’s Opera browser.

The features range from the cool (browsing the Internet, Wiimote-style!) to the technical. Features that lean more towards the technical side include common file support, which would be very useful in turning the Wii into a media center.

Another feature that seems like a no-brainer is text input. Text input using the Wiimote is nothing short of frustrating, and so support for an external keyboard would be great. Or, Opera could take a cue from the Wii Gamers and go this route:

One aspect of the DS the Wii Browser could quite easily take advantage of is its keyboard. Imagine: DS is in Download Play, Wii uploads software, DS beeps, user types in DS and DS uploads back the text. Pretty neat huh.

Since Nintendo has been very proud of potential Wii/DS connectivity, using the DS as a keyboard actually sounds like a great idea. Check out the whole feature by clicking on the “read” link below.

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