Final Fantasy Tactics A2: new jobs and new races to be revealed

Hume - Image 1 

The latest update in Final Fantasy Tactics A2‘s official site revealed a number of goodies that Final Fantasy fanatics with a Nintendo DS will surely enjoy. News from the site revealed new character classes and the possibility of two new tribes being made available in Ivalice.

The races in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are all here, with the Hume, Moogle, Baanga, Nu Mou, and the beautiful Vieras all present in the roll call. In the website, however, there are two blank spaces where the races are shown – most possibly reserved for two new races making their debut appearance in the game.

There are new jobs available for the five known races in Square EnixFinal Fantasy Tactics A2: Humes will be able to become Yojinbos, Baangas can work as Master Monks or Canoneer, Nu Mous as Arcane Mages, Vieras dressing up as Magic Fencers or Green Mages, and finally cuddly Moogles as Chocobo Knights (interesting) and Magic Gunners.

Will Final Fantasy XII‘s Seeq and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wing’s Egul take up the two final spots in the tribes list?

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Check out the Full Article for the rest of the images showing the new jobs!

Hume - Image 1 

The latest update in Final Fantasy Tactics A2‘s official site revealed a number of goodies that Final Fantasy fanatics with a Nintendo DS will surely enjoy. News from the site revealed new character classes and the possibility of two new tribes being made available in Ivalice.

The races in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are all here, with the Hume, Moogle, Baanga, Nu Mou, and the beautiful Vieras all present in the roll call. In the website, however, there are two blank spaces where the races are shown – most possibly reserved for two new races making their debut appearance in the game.

There are new jobs available for the five known races in Square EnixFinal Fantasy Tactics A2: Humes will be able to become Yojinbos, Baangas can work as Master Monks or Canoneer, Nu Mous as Arcane Mages, Vieras dressing up as Magic Fencers or Green Mages, and finally cuddly Moogles as Chocobo Knights (interesting) and Magic Gunners.

Will Final Fantasy XII‘s Seeq and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wing’s Egul take up the two final spots in the tribes list?

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