First MMO homebrew comes this way: Triple Triad PSP v0.4.20
The homebrew scene has really come a long a way and we have to thank the great and unselfish coders for that. Remember our list of PSP hacks and development icons? We’re pretty sure we need to update that list in the very near future as one more developer is about to get added: Zero-one.
After making the announcement a couple of days ago, Zero-one walked into the QJ.Net Forums today and unleashed the first ever MMO homebrew video game called Triple Triad PSP. The game per se is not new because it is actually the card game from Final Fantasy VIII. It was then ported as a homebrew about a year ago.
As if we still have to refresh your memories, the important development here is the MMO infrastructure. Before we go to that though, take note that Triple Triad PSP also sports a single player mode wherein you can have: random 1 vs cpu card battle, custom rules 1 vs cpu battle, and 3 card decks, 330 cards (FF8, FF10, FF7).
With that out of the way, here are the several features for the MMO mode and Zero-one mentioned that there are a lot more to come:
Create your password protected account (yeah it’s free); Choose your elemental alignement; Backpack with cards collection and money earned; Online shop (you can buy and sell cards); Online exp gain e full stats; Travel in many cities and places based on the FF8 world (find your favorite!); Standard and custom invites; Win cards in matches; Private mailbox; Buddy list; Black list; In-game filters.
As if those features aren’t good enough, Zero-one was also able to provide different servers for U.S. and European players. The at-the-day intercontinental infrastructure holds one server for each location. The developer then mentioned that one more server for each is needed to prevent lagging in the coming days.
Lastly, the homebrew game still has to fix certain issues with WPA encryption and with WLan Power save ON (just turn it off). Take note that 3.03 OE-A custom firmware is not compatible with Triple Triad and Zero-one is suggesting the use of 3.10 OE A2. Triple Triad PSP can run on PSP (main platform), PC-win, PC-Linux, and PS3-Linux.
The download has an accompanying Readme file and please, be sure to browse through that first before uploading this to your PSP units. Thanks spylogo3 for the heads up!
Download: Triple Triad PSP v0.4.20 (public release)
View:QJ PSP Development Forum
The homebrew scene has really come a long a way and we have to thank the great and unselfish coders for that. Remember our list of PSP hacks and development icons? We’re pretty sure we need to update that list in the very near future as one more developer is about to get added: Zero-one.
After making the announcement a couple of days ago, Zero-one walked into the QJ.Net Forums today and unleashed the first ever MMO homebrew video game called Triple Triad PSP. The game per se is not new because it is actually the card game from Final Fantasy VIII. It was then ported as a homebrew about a year ago.
As if we still have to refresh your memories, the important development here is the MMO infrastructure. Before we go to that though, take note that Triple Triad PSP also sports a single player mode wherein you can have: random 1 vs cpu card battle, custom rules 1 vs cpu battle, and 3 card decks, 330 cards (FF8, FF10, FF7).
With that out of the way, here are the several features for the MMO mode and Zero-one mentioned that there are a lot more to come:
Create your password protected account (yeah it’s free); Choose your elemental alignement; Backpack with cards collection and money earned; Online shop (you can buy and sell cards); Online exp gain e full stats; Travel in many cities and places based on the FF8 world (find your favorite!); Standard and custom invites; Win cards in matches; Private mailbox; Buddy list; Black list; In-game filters.
As if those features aren’t good enough, Zero-one was also able to provide different servers for U.S. and European players. The at-the-day intercontinental infrastructure holds one server for each location. The developer then mentioned that one more server for each is needed to prevent lagging in the coming days.
Lastly, the homebrew game still has to fix certain issues with WPA encryption and with WLan Power save ON (just turn it off). Take note that 3.03 OE-A custom firmware is not compatible with Triple Triad and Zero-one is suggesting the use of 3.10 OE A2. Triple Triad PSP can run on PSP (main platform), PC-win, PC-Linux, and PS3-Linux.
The download has an accompanying Readme file and please, be sure to browse through that first before uploading this to your PSP units. Thanks spylogo3 for the heads up!
Download: Triple Triad PSP v0.4.20 (public release)
View:QJ PSP Development Forum