Flasher Xmb v0.1
Despite Test30‘s admitted difficulty with English, the developer still managed to pass by our forums and bless all of use with his application that modifies the XMB, Flasher Xmb v0.1.
According to the forums post, the Flasher XMB allows users to modify their XMBs, specifically by flashing the following:
- topmenu_plugin.rco (the main icons of the XMB)
- system_plugin_bg.rco (waves of the bottom of the XMB)
- opening_plugin.rco (intro main of psp)
- photo_plugin.rco (the icons of Photo)
We suggest you head to the respective Forum Thread for installation instructions. Word of warning though: be sure to follow the instructions carefully as some flashing is required, and it follows that there’s a risk of bricking your PSP. If you’re curious as to what it all would look like after the installation is done, click play on the video embed below:
Download: Flasher Xmb v0.1
Visit: PSP Development Forums
Despite Test30‘s admitted difficulty with English, the developer still managed to pass by our forums and bless all of use with his application that modifies the XMB, Flasher Xmb v0.1.
According to the forums post, the Flasher XMB allows users to modify their XMBs, specifically by flashing the following:
- topmenu_plugin.rco (the main icons of the XMB)
- system_plugin_bg.rco (waves of the bottom of the XMB)
- opening_plugin.rco (intro main of psp)
- photo_plugin.rco (the icons of Photo)
We suggest you head to the respective Forum Thread for installation instructions. Word of warning though: be sure to follow the instructions carefully as some flashing is required, and it follows that there’s a risk of bricking your PSP. If you’re curious as to what it all would look like after the installation is done, click play on the video embed below:
Download: Flasher Xmb v0.1
Visit: PSP Development Forums