Frontlines: Fuel of War – gameplay montage, interview
Kaos Studios general manager Frank DeLise sat down for an interview with GameSpot about Frontlines: Fuel of War. As you know, Frontlines: Fuel of War, to be released fall of this year, focuses on a near-future conflict between the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance based on energy crisis caused by worldwide fuel shortages.
The game, to be released for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC gaming platforms, features a nonlinear single-player campaign in which each side attempts crush the opposing frontlines to gain more territory; only one proving victorious in the end. To give you a better idea of how the gameplay will look like, here’s a gameplay montage of Frontlines: Fuel of War. You can also listen to Kaos Studios‘ DeLise’s account of the gameplay, whose video is available on the download link below.
Download Frontlines: Fuel of War interview
Kaos Studios general manager Frank DeLise sat down for an interview with GameSpot about Frontlines: Fuel of War. As you know, Frontlines: Fuel of War, to be released fall of this year, focuses on a near-future conflict between the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance based on energy crisis caused by worldwide fuel shortages.
The game, to be released for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC gaming platforms, features a nonlinear single-player campaign in which each side attempts crush the opposing frontlines to gain more territory; only one proving victorious in the end. To give you a better idea of how the gameplay will look like, here’s a gameplay montage of Frontlines: Fuel of War. You can also listen to Kaos Studios‘ DeLise’s account of the gameplay, whose video is available on the download link below.
Download Frontlines: Fuel of War interview