Sega dev: Sixaxis tilt technology is “rubbish”

How to use the Sixaxis without the rumble... - Image 1We’re not quite sure if this is becoming some sort of a trend within gaming circles, but it seems that game developers have been getting increasingly vocal about their preferences lately. Just recently, Electronic Arts came under fire for Drew Garrett’s public post which advised readers to “skip the PS3” and purchase an Xbox360 or Wii instead. Well, it may have generated enough of a stir that someone has followed in Garrett’s footsteps.

Up next on the hot plate would be the head of Sega Racing Studio, Guy Wilday. Although there’s been some disappointment in the past due to the lack of the much-loved rumble feature, Wilday expresses his disappointment, and without mincing words. According to him, “Tilt control’s not difficult to do… Fundamentally, though, the whole tilt control thing is rubbish. It’s no compensation for rumble.”

Yep, everyone apparently loves rumble THAT much.

Anyway, for those who want to read the whole interview and see what else Wilday has got to say, then watch out for the February 15 issue of PSM3, which should be issue #85.

On a side note, it was always been a long-standing comment among some members of the QJ staff that the best way to get people to love the Sixaxis would most probably be to bring Loco Roco to the PS3, and require the player to make full use of the Sixaxis’ tilt technology when trying to bring those yellow suckers to safety. With rumble of course. You know, for those times when the Moja catches up, or you bump into a Mui Mui. Or something.

How to use the Sixaxis without the rumble... - Image 1We’re not quite sure if this is becoming some sort of a trend within gaming circles, but it seems that game developers have been getting increasingly vocal about their preferences lately. Just recently, Electronic Arts came under fire for Drew Garrett’s public post which advised readers to “skip the PS3” and purchase an Xbox360 or Wii instead. Well, it may have generated enough of a stir that someone has followed in Garrett’s footsteps.

Up next on the hot plate would be the head of Sega Racing Studio, Guy Wilday. Although there’s been some disappointment in the past due to the lack of the much-loved rumble feature, Wilday expresses his disappointment, and without mincing words. According to him, “Tilt control’s not difficult to do… Fundamentally, though, the whole tilt control thing is rubbish. It’s no compensation for rumble.”

Yep, everyone apparently loves rumble THAT much.

Anyway, for those who want to read the whole interview and see what else Wilday has got to say, then watch out for the February 15 issue of PSM3, which should be issue #85.

On a side note, it was always been a long-standing comment among some members of the QJ staff that the best way to get people to love the Sixaxis would most probably be to bring Loco Roco to the PS3, and require the player to make full use of the Sixaxis’ tilt technology when trying to bring those yellow suckers to safety. With rumble of course. You know, for those times when the Moja catches up, or you bump into a Mui Mui. Or something.

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