Funcom: Xbox 360 controls still in development for Age of Conan
MTV Multiplayer recently talked to Product Manager Jorgen Tharaldsen about the difficulties surrounding the Xbox 360 port of the upcoming MMO action adventure game Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (PC, Xbox 360). He explains that one of the biggest problems in making the next-gen console port of the game was translating the controls from a keyboard and mouse interface to a control pad. You can read more details about what Tharaldsen said in the full article.
Apparently, there are some things even a mighty barbarian king can’t conquer. Sad as it may sound, the biggest obstacle hindering Conan’s MMO debut on the next-gen console is nothing more than a simple control pad.
In an interview conducted by MTV Multiplayer during GDC 2008, Jorgen Tharaldsen, Funcom Product Manager, explained that the biggest problem with the development of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures for the Xbox 360 is translating the controls for the console port of the game.
Since a majority of the game’s development was done crafting the interface for PC users, Funcom didn’t really invest much time making it work with a control pad. However, Tharaldsen confirmed that the game will see a console release once they finish all the work on the PC version.
He also admitted that the solution isn’t as simple as plugging an Xbox 360 controller into your PC and playing the game with the same results. While the Xbox 360 port of the game is still currently in production, we shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for it to be released anytime this year.
It seems that Funcom will be taking its time fixing up the controls for the Xbox 360 version of Age of Conan. However, eager fans should take comfort in the fact that the PC version is just a couple of months away, with a May release slated for the title.