Fwnitro v1.6B
Caitsith2 has updated zzo38computer’s Fwnitro firmware for the NDS. At the current time both developers (Cait and Zzo) have been adding updates to this firmware, but Caitsith2 seems to have taken it upon himself to speed up the developing process and release his own builds. This program is open source and thus can be worked on and improved by anyone. This firmware will replace your NDS’s firmware if you choose to install it. At the current time, it is still attempting to catch up to the NDS’s features, and is almost there! The changes in v1.6B include:
- Main Menu rearranged. Now all primary settings are at top, Optional compile settings below that, and finally, power off at the bottom of the menu.
- It is now easier to change the alarm clock settings, right from the alarm clock itself. (Push A to go to alarm clock settings.)
- Alarm clock now has a snooze function. Snooze function silences alarm for 10 minutes, “not bloody 9 minutes!!”. Also, pushing the B button more than once, adds 10 minutes to the snooze time up to 90 minutes. (this feature is definitely not in the official firmware.)
- The alarm clock no longer turns back on immediately after shut off, if it went off due to the Time being equal to the personal alarm clock setting, and the time is still equal to personal alarm clock setting.
- Unlike official firmware, Alarm clock does NOT shut off after one minute, and unlike most alarm clocks, it does NOT shut off after 2 hours. It goes on till the end of time, battery dies, or you shut it off.
Download [FWNitro v1.6B]
Caitsith2 has updated zzo38computer’s Fwnitro firmware for the NDS. At the current time both developers (Cait and Zzo) have been adding updates to this firmware, but Caitsith2 seems to have taken it upon himself to speed up the developing process and release his own builds. This program is open source and thus can be worked on and improved by anyone. This firmware will replace your NDS’s firmware if you choose to install it. At the current time, it is still attempting to catch up to the NDS’s features, and is almost there! The changes in v1.6B include:
- Main Menu rearranged. Now all primary settings are at top, Optional compile settings below that, and finally, power off at the bottom of the menu.
- It is now easier to change the alarm clock settings, right from the alarm clock itself. (Push A to go to alarm clock settings.)
- Alarm clock now has a snooze function. Snooze function silences alarm for 10 minutes, “not bloody 9 minutes!!”. Also, pushing the B button more than once, adds 10 minutes to the snooze time up to 90 minutes. (this feature is definitely not in the official firmware.)
- The alarm clock no longer turns back on immediately after shut off, if it went off due to the Time being equal to the personal alarm clock setting, and the time is still equal to personal alarm clock setting.
- Unlike official firmware, Alarm clock does NOT shut off after one minute, and unlike most alarm clocks, it does NOT shut off after 2 hours. It goes on till the end of time, battery dies, or you shut it off.
Download [FWNitro v1.6B]