G.R.A.W. Mission Themes 1, 2 and 3 Available on Marketplace


If there was one none sports game that would win an award for having the most themes available on the Marketplace it would be Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Before today the game already had ten themes available and now it looks like they are going to be adding another theme for every level in the single player campaign as Mission Themes have appeared for the first three “missions” of the game.

Each of the themes cost the usual amount of 150 Microsoft Points and look to include pictures of your “favorite memories” from the missions. Now don’t get me wrong, G.R.A.W. is a great game, but the idea for having a theme for each individual level in the game seems pretty weird to me. I guess the real question is will any of you be wasting your Microsoft Points on these themes?


If there was one none sports game that would win an award for having the most themes available on the Marketplace it would be Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Before today the game already had ten themes available and now it looks like they are going to be adding another theme for every level in the single player campaign as Mission Themes have appeared for the first three “missions” of the game.

Each of the themes cost the usual amount of 150 Microsoft Points and look to include pictures of your “favorite memories” from the missions. Now don’t get me wrong, G.R.A.W. is a great game, but the idea for having a theme for each individual level in the game seems pretty weird to me. I guess the real question is will any of you be wasting your Microsoft Points on these themes?

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