Game over, man: Aliens vs. Predators screenshots for the PSP
It looks like those two alien races are at it again as Sierra Entertainment and Rebellion Developments gives us an inside look into their latest alien fightfest game with Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem for the Sony PlayStation Portable.
You can check out the new set of screenshots to supplement our previous ones of the Predators and their Xenomorph nemeses we have below. The game will be based on the movie with the same title, a sequel to the 2004 Aliens vs. Predator movie. Check out the gory screenshots we have after the jump!
It looks like those two alien races are at it again as Sierra Entertainment and Rebellion Developments gives us an inside look into their latest alien fightfest game with Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem for the Sony PlayStation Portable.
You can check out the new set of screenshots to supplement our previous ones of the Predators and their Xenomorph nemeses we have below. The game will be based on the movie with the same title, a sequel to the 2004 Aliens vs. Predator movie.
With barely a couple of days left before the game’s release, it might give players a little insight on how the movie will be played out. Either way, you can expect a lot of blood, gore, and little Facehuggers crawling all over your PSPs by the time you get your hands on this game come November 13.
In the meantime, enjoy the screenshots we have from the game.