Gamecock acquired by SouthPeak, upcoming releases still on track
Gamecock Media Group, the independent video game publisher whose name can’t be posted on our comments section without being censored, has just been acquired by SouthPeak Interactive. More on this in the full article.
Gamecock Media Group, the independent video game publisher whose name can’t be posted on our comments section without being censored, has just been acquired by SouthPeak Interactive.
This was announced today by SouthPeak. Both companies have put a lot of emphasis on getting independently-developed titles out to the general gaming masses, so this could prove to be a good thing for indie game devs out there.
Gamecock fans also won’t have to worry about the company’s release schedule getting affected by the acquisition. Both Legendary (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC) and Mushroom Men (DS, Wii) are still on track for a release in the current quarter.
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