Gamespot rumor control: PSOne emulator for PSP

It appears that an article written on Wednesday on PSPupdates about a PSone emulator being made by Sony for the PSP appears to have gotten quite a bit of media coverage today. GameSpot’s rumor control have tackled this story, in an article that begs the question, bogus, or not bogus?

The official word from a Sony representative is “There has not been any official imagery released from Sony Computer Entertainment showcasing the PS one emulator on PSP. Please disregard those images as false.” The GameSpot article then goes on to question the legitimacy of the images posted, which we also covered on Wednesday, claiming that they are fake because the wavy lines are exactly the same in all 3 of the images, when the lines are supposed to move.

On the other hand, these errors could be due to the images being a conceptual mock up of the actual interface, prepared by Sony. GameSpot also claims that the parental control could be proof of the images being real, as it shows too much attention to detail for a fake.

In conclusion, GameSpot rumour control believes the images are a fake, because they believe Sony rumor control would have intervened if the images were correct. But could this be a bit of Sony reverse psychology? – make your own mind up!
It appears that an article written on Wednesday on PSPupdates about a PSone emulator being made by Sony for the PSP appears to have gotten quite a bit of media coverage today. GameSpot’s rumor control have tackled this story, in an article that begs the question, bogus, or not bogus?

The official word from a Sony representative is “There has not been any official imagery released from Sony Computer Entertainment showcasing the PS one emulator on PSP. Please disregard those images as false.” The GameSpot article then goes on to question the legitimacy of the images posted, which we also covered on Wednesday, claiming that they are fake because the wavy lines are exactly the same in all 3 of the images, when the lines are supposed to move.

On the other hand, these errors could be due to the images being a conceptual mock up of the actual interface, prepared by Sony. GameSpot also claims that the parental control could be proof of the images being real, as it shows too much attention to detail for a fake.

In conclusion, GameSpot rumour control believes the images are a fake, because they believe Sony rumor control would have intervened if the images were correct. But could this be a bit of Sony reverse psychology? – make your own mind up!

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