GameStop Q3 sales boost from Guitar Hero III, Halo 3, more
Despite October not performing as well as analysts had hoped, it was still a strong month as GameStop reveals a net earning of US$ 52 million for the third quarter: a 283% increase from last fiscal year.
Sales were boosted by Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Halo 3, Madden NFL 08 and Wii Play with Remote. Looks like it’s going to be a good fiscal year for the video game industry.
Despite October not performing as well as analysts had hoped, it was still a strong month as GameStop reveals a net earning of US$ 52 million for the third quarter: a 283% increase from last fiscal year.
Sales were boosted by Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PC), Halo 3, Madden NFL 08 (PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, DS) and Wii Play with Remote. Looks like it’s going to be a good fiscal year for the video game industry.
It seems like it’s not just album sales and Activision that got a boost from the gargantuan success of Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, or various corporations from the success of Halo 3. GameStop reports an increase of 59% in software sales, and 149% in hardware.