Gaming, Spoofs, and odd dances found in anime end songs
For those of you who aren’t interested or who aren’t aware, Hare Hare Yukai (which you can observe here) is the ending theme the Japanese anime series “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”. Since a good portion of you QJ readers are probably not into all the big-eyes, small-mouth stuff, I’ll cut to the point before I bore you with a semi-academic explanation of what “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” is.
The point is that the ending song, Hare Hare Yukai is damned funny. Funny enough to earn a slew of spoofs. In the spirit of April Fools’, below are three gaming-related Hare Hare Yukai spoofs for your enjoyment.
More videos after the Jump.
For those of you who aren’t interested or who aren’t aware, Hare Hare Yukai (which you can observe here) is the ending theme the Japanese anime series “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”. Since a good portion of you QJ readers are probably not into all the big-eyes, small-mouth stuff, I’ll cut to the point before I bore you with a semi-academic explanation of what “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” is.
The point is that the ending song, Hare Hare Yukai is damned funny. Funny enough to earn a slew of spoofs. In the spirit of April Fools’, below are three gaming-related Hare Hare Yukai spoofs for your enjoyment.
Yes, that’s Megaman. Bonus points to those guys who can name all the bosses.
We do have to note though that for some unknown reason, Proto Man seems like a shoe in for the dancing spot. It doesn’t help that in Japan he was named Blues, yeah, after the musical style. The shades combined with the scarlet red coloring and the scarf makes him look like he’s been doing this for years. Dance happy robot boy. Dance!
Next up: something that would make those currently playing Gundam Musou on their PS3s weep.
Manly mean mechs in Gundamium armor dancing “teh gay” dance! How dare they! Truth is, this is probably the most entertainment we’ll get out of these robotic mechanized pieces of armor.
So far, we’ve shown you videogame mash-ups of the infamous end song. Here’s how insane the dance is when it’s put IN a game. Behold, Hare Hare Yukai on StepMania:
And you thought you were a dancing god. Just look at that sequence! You’d have to be an octopus or something. If you have a video of yourself getting mega points at this song, feel free to post a link to it on the comments …or maybe not. The guys would just probably flame you for not having anything better to do with your free time, so be safe from flames and keep your uber-ness to yourself.
Finally, Since it’s April Fools’ and all that, I’ll end this post with something that’s just plain wrong. Click play on the video embed below, and feel dirty. Be glad I warned you.